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Summary from Quality in Customer Services Task Group February meeting

The Quality in Customer Services Task Group met at City University in February for their Spring meeting.

The Group welcomed two new members:

  • Danielle Lawson, Service Excellence Co-ordinator (Quality & Data Analysis), Northumbria University

  • Jane Reynolds, Arts & Social Sciences Library & Special Services Manager, Bristol University.

The business of the meeting included:

Terms of Reference

The Group amended and approved Terms of Reference for the task group which will go the Steering Group for final sign-off.

Customer Services Steering Group

The Chair provided an update on the activity of the Steering Group.

Action Plan Development

The Task Group reviewed and amended the draft action plan as well as assign members lead on objectives.

  • Identify best practice in achieving an external accreditation for customer service.Led by Danielle Lawson (Northumbria)

  • To develop cases studies and other resources for each tool for Measuring Quality of our services. Led by Clare West (UniS)

  • To identify best practice for recruitment practices within customer services roles in HE Libraries. Led by Jane Reynolds (University of Bristol)

  • To identify best practice how we select the right people for our teams to ensure we achieve quality in providing excellent customer service. Led by Laura Simmons (London Met)

  • To identify best practice how we develop our teams to ensure we achieve quality in providing excellent customer service. Led by TBC

  • Identify best practice in developing and using SLAs to measure and improve the quality of customer services. Led by Laura Byrne (Roehampton)

Future Developments

The group discussed potential future developments around quality in customer services and identified analytics and what we can usefully do with all the information that we are collecting.

Any other Business

The Group noted that Danielle Lawson is hosting the next CSE networking group event in June at Northumbria University.

Christina Lewis

Chair of the Quality in Customer Services Task Group

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